How Much Do Genetic Counselors Make?

Salary information on the Genetic Counseling program


CIG Team

9/25/20232 min read

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green plant on brown round coins

How Much Do Genetic Counselors Make?

Genetic counselors are highly skilled professionals who specialize in the interpretation and management of genetic information. They provide critical insight into hereditary conditions, enabling informed decision-making, effective treatment strategies, and improved outcomes for patients.

As one of the fastest growing professions in the healthcare industry, there is a high demand for qualified genetic counselors. But how much do genetic counselors make? The 2023 Professional Status Survey from the National Society of Genetic Counselors revealed that the average annual gross salary reported by full-time genetic counselors stands at $104,664; a 2.6% rise from the 2022 PSS survey. Through an in-depth analysis of this highly specialized field, we will gain a better understanding of the financial rewards that come from working as a genetic counselor.

National Society of Genetic Counselors 2023 Professional Status Survey

The National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) conducts the Professional Status Survey (PSS) for its members annually. Results from the NSGC PSS, established in 1980, have been utilized to establish benchmarks for wages and benefits, recognize workforce problems, and measure job satisfaction within the genetic counseling profession. Data from this survey is acquired from genetic counselors employed in hospitals, academic centers, diagnostic labs, the private sector, public health outlets, and more.

Historically, the Professional Status Survey (PSS) was provided every two years, but it is now offered on an annual basis. The published reports from the PSS offer a comprehensive overview of the current genetic counseling workforce in the US and Canada, as well as new and developing trends in this thriving profession. These analyses provide valuable data to individuals undergoing genetic counseling services, employers, medical associations, policy makers, potential genetic counselors, and current practitioners. Furthermore, information procured by the PSS contributes to National Society of Genetic Counselors' (NSGC) J.E.D.I. [Justice Equity Diversity & Inclusion] strategic priorities by monitoring changes in relation to the profession over time.

The 2023 Professional Status Survey

From January 4, 2023 to February 28, 2023, the Professional Status Survey was distributed amongst eligible genetic counselors who were Full, Emeritus, or New Members of the NSGC and/or diplomates of the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC). This survey captured data pertaining to the profession from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. After soliciting 6,641 surveys from three organizations, an impressive 45% response rate was attained with 3,011 completed surveys. This impressive figure manifestly illustrates the engagement and dedication that genetic counselors possess for their practice.

What is the Average Salary for a Full Time Genetic Counselor?

The 2023 PSS revealed that the average annual gross salary reported by full-time genetic counselors stands at $104,664; a 2.6% rise from the 2022 PSS survey which recorded an average of $102,028. Notably, those in non-direct patient care and mixed roles earn substantially more than those in direct patient care positions. This climb in salaries may stem from the reshaping roles of those who responded to the PSS combined with an overall boost across the market.

What is the Average Starting Salary for a Full Time Genetic Counselor?

The average starting salary for a full-time genetic counselor who graduated in 2022 was a remarkable $80,488. Those graduating in non-direct patient care roles had significantly higher salaries than those in direct patient care and mixed positions.

Genetic Counselor Salary Trends

Source: National Society of Genetic Counselors. (2023) 2023 Professional Status Survey.